
Email is best but a telephone in afternoons/early evenings as well. I typically work from 10:00am through 8:00pm. I work and travel extensively within the Southwestern United States in California, Arizona and Nevada and am now based in Taos, NM.

Cell # +1(442)218-5898
Skype: sgbmedia1

GoogleTalk: Sgbmedia

Snapchat: Urbanrake

Note: I don’t answer unscheduled calls and keep my phone ringer off so leave a message or send me a text message to get my attention and I’ll call you back as soon as possible. If you don’t leave me a voicemail or text I won’t know you called so please do so. I have many people and projects competing for my attention at all times so “the squeaky wheel gets the grease”.

If you are part of a startup wanting my advice and guidance on your idea, strategy and or assistance in obtaining financing please email me your pitch deck and executive summary and give me 48 to 72 hours to review them and then I will contact you to set up either an in-person or skype or telephone consultation where I will give you my initial impressions, opinions and suggestions.